Logging in if you want to edit something:
Logging in if you want to edit something:
The first time: You should have an email that looks like this image. Click on the first link, then follow the instructions. Write down your password.
Word Press's suggested password.
Word Press's suggested password.
Aaack - too hard to remember. Don't use it.
Resetting password.
Resetting password.
You can use whatever password you like, just write it down.
The Word Press log-in screen
The Word Press log-in screen
Once you have your user name and password set up, you can log-in any time at http://rogermayerfamily.com/wp-login.php Your log in screen should look like this picture.
Once you have access
Once you have access
You'll notice a "Dashboard." From here you can add pictures (media) and pages to the site.
The Media Library
The Media Library
This page shows the images that have been added so far. You can add new pictures by selecting "Add New".
Here you can add pages or also navigate to new pages.
Pages menu with Jean's home page selected
Pages menu with Jean's home page selected
When you see the pages listing, you can select any page that you want to edit or view.
Pages - add new button.
Pages - add new button.
If you were sent a password, you have a Profile.
If you were sent a password, you have a Profile.
If you scroll down on this page, you can reset you password.

Don’t worry, you won’t break it.

Logging in if you just want to look at the site:

This site is protected. It is set up so that if you just want to view the site, you will be asked for the password. Once you use this password, if you continue to use the same computer from the same place, you should not need to enter the password again for 20 days (that should be long enough to forget it, eh?). It is stored as a cookie, so if you delete your cookies, you’ll need the password.

if you want to edit something:

Logging in if you want to edit something:
Logging in if you want to edit something:
The first time: You should have an email that looks like this image. Click on the first link, then follow the instructions. Write down your password.
Word Press's suggested password.
Word Press's suggested password.
Aaack - too hard to remember. Don't use it.
Resetting password.
Resetting password.
You can use whatever password you like, just write it down.
The Word Press log-in screen
The Word Press log-in screen
Once you have your user name and password set up, you can log-in any time at http://rogermayerfamily.com/wp-login.php Your log in screen should look like this picture.
Once you have access
Once you have access
You'll notice a "Dashboard." From here you can add pictures (media) and pages to the site.
The Media Library
The Media Library
This page shows the images that have been added so far. You can add new pictures by selecting "Add New".
Here you can add pages or also navigate to new pages.
Pages menu with Jean's home page selected
Pages menu with Jean's home page selected
When you see the pages listing, you can select any page that you want to edit or view.
Pages - add new button.
Pages - add new button.
If you were sent a password, you have a Profile.
If you were sent a password, you have a Profile.
If you scroll down on this page, you can reset you password.